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the detailed program will be available soon !

among the practitioners involved in the development of the satellite projects are :



The collective microsillons develops collaborative projects and researches the connections between art and critical pedagogy. Its founding members Marianne Guarino-Huet and Olivier Desvoignes are currently directors of the Master program TRANS— Art Education Engagement at the Geneva University of Art and Design. From 2007 to 2012, they were responsible for the development of the art-mediation programme of the Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève. They received the Swiss Art Award in 2008.


Marina Gržinić

Marina Gržinić is a university professor, philosopher and artist who lives and works in Ljubljana, Slovenia and Vienna, Austria. She is a Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She is Research advisor at the Institute of Philosophy at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana. In 2014, in collaboration with Šefik Tatlić, she co-authored the book Necropolitics, Racialization and Global Capitalism: Historicization of Biopolitics and Forensics of Politics, Art, and Life (Lexington Books, USA, 2014). Gržinić theoretical work is directed towards a theory of ideology, theory of technology, biopolitics/necropolitics, video technology and transfeminism in connection with decoloniality. 


Aneta Stojnić


Aneta Stojnić is a Belgrade born theoretician, curator and artist working in the field of performing arts. Currently, she is assistant professor at the Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade, Serbia. In 2015 she was a postdoc researcher at the Academy of fine arts in Vienna, IBK, Post Conceptual Art Practices, and in 2013-14 she was a postdoctoral research-fellow at Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Research centre, S:PAM (Studies in Performing Arts & Media). She published a book Theory of performance in digital art: towards a new political performance (Orion Art, Belgrade, 2015) and authored a number of international publications. 


Felicity Allen 

Felicity Allen is an artist, writer and educator. A founder member of the Women's Art Library, she has held lecturing positions at Goldsmiths and other leading art schools. She is a guest scholar at Getty Research Institute 2011-2012. Two books came out in 2011: Education (MIT/Whitechapel Documents of Contemporary Art) and Your Sketchbook Your Self (Tate). She has been involved in gallery education for the last two decades, most recently leading the education department at Tate Britain (2003-10). 


Mira Kallio-Tavin


Mira Kallio-Tavin works as a senior university lecturer of international art education at Aalto University. Her research area focuses on questions of diversity, social justice, embodiment and disability studies, and on the relationship of education and gaming. She has developed arts-based research methodology within social contexts and in relation to the questions of dialogue, community, ethics and philosophy of education. She is the chair of the Finnish InSEA (International Society for Education through Art), and chair and program head of the international Master's degree program Nordic Visual studies and Art education, NoVA.

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