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a panel talk

with the art-collective microsillons

on April 21, 2016, the Swiss collective microsillons has presented a selection of its projects at the Youth Educational Centre of the State Hermitage Museum

the founders of the group, Marianne Guarino-Huet and Olivier Desvoignes, illustrated different kinds of relationships with art institutions; from being responsible for gallery education in an art center (Centre d’art Contemporain Genève, 2007-2012), to developing autonomous initiatives (Bureau Mobile, since 2007), and to being consultants for projects initiated by others (Revolution Room, 2015). The current Swiss context in which most of the collective’s activities took place has been presented with a specific focus on how gallery education is discussed, practiced and financed


microsillons is a collective of artists, art mediators and educators, which was founded in 2005 as an experimental and creative research platform. microsillons’ methodology combines elements of curatorial studies, critical pedagogy, design and performance. The project’s leitmotif is the relationship between art and education, artistic practice and social issues, and institutional aspects of cultural production


microsillons sees education as an autonomous art practice. Working with a variety of audiences, the collective investigates the discursive, social and economic contexts of contemporary art and educational initiatives

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